Coach Mike Souza
Mike Souza, originally from Staten Island, New York is currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida. Coach Mike works with basketball players of all ages & levels. His ability to relate to and develop each individual has been a huge help to many. As a former High School Coach and a former Player Development Coach at the college level – Mike knows exactly what it takes to play at the next level. He is a highly sought out Skills Coach in the U.S and a private Player Development Coach for multiple NBA & International Pro players. Known for his proven ability to make a players workouts translate directly to the game has been the reason for most of his success. This success has given him a very instrumental role in helping some of the nations top players grow their skill & IQ in the game of basketball through his patented workouts and film study.
“The sport of basketball has always been a passion of mine and for as long as I can remember, the courts were a home away from home and a place to escape. Although playing professionally was not in the cards for me, my love for the sport has never died. This love has lead me and my clients to where we are today. With my skill set and extensive basketball studying, I have decided to dedicate my life to helping others achieve their dreams of conquering what they set out to do. I am beyond confident this is the career I was meant to pursue.” – Michael A. Souza